
Technological homogeneity and the impending zombie apocalypse

Recently, there was a post[1] about how there's special hardware components on all x86 platforms that require special binary blobs to function and cannot be open sourced, require a third party to sign the code that runs on your computer in many cases, have unfettered access to the memory of all peripherals, and may be running even when the system is powered down but still has access to power.

This is an interesting topic, I think it's vitally important that we address it now for what it is, a computational hazard the likes of which we've only seen hinted at before.  The reason for this is simple.  Homogeneity is brittle.  Like that sharp kitchen knife that keeps it's edge, it works extremely well, until it breaks, and then it's close to useless.

There are so many parallels to biology that it's worth examining biology's response[2] to the same problem.  First, it's worth noting the difference in goals between biological systems and most computer systems.  Biology, as a whole, is an extremely versatile and resilient system for the survival and propagation of life, but not necessarily the individual, even if individuals are resilient to a degree to further that goal.  Our current technological system, or at least the common computing platforms we use, are good at individual resiliency, and value making each individual system as secure and protected as possible.  The ways in which these two systems differ in how they interact with the larger ecosystem is the point, and in this case, biology is vastly superior in it's approach.

Biology has evolved a strategy to ultimately prevent the eradication of life through a tiered approach where there are many types of organisms, much variation within a single type of organism, and multiple levels of defense within an organism.  There are many separate techniques involved in this at the different levels.  Because of this variation, viruses and diseases rarely affect more than a few species at a time, and within a species rarely affect all members of that species.  The likelihood that something will be deadly to a human is small, due to redundancy, variation and resilience of our internal systems.  Being deadly to the same degree to all humans is less likely.  Being deadly to all species even less so, to the point it's almost impossible.  Nature has evolved a very resilient system to perpetuate life in the face of constant assault, by stopping what it can, and mitigating what it knows will happen at some point anyway.  That is, nature accepts (to anthropomorphize slightly) that there will be diseases that can penetrate it's defenses at various levels, but by using extreme variation in the defenses, it is able to ensure the survival of life overall.  This variation, unfortunately has a downside, which is that it prevents a vastly larger attack surface for diseases.  There are more ways for a disease to affect organisms, even if the chance of that disease affecting all of that type of organism are reduced, and all organisms reduced even more.

Our computer systems, driven mostly by corporate investment and development[3], have been steered with the goal to completely stop intrusion, viruses, and undesired behavior, with the belief that this is possible.  Working with the belief that it's possible to completely prevent these outcomes leads to a different strategy than what biological systems have evolved.  Instead of massive variation, we have tightly engineered and highly efficient systems that do a very good job (and getting better) if blocking undesired behavior.  This fften leads to environments with large swaths of homogeneous systems, as the natural response is to gravitate to the systems that work best for that task. For example, we have Cisco for network security, and Windows for workstations (or replace with your favorite vendor.  Variation in larger environments is rare, at least to the degree seen in nature).  This works well in providing a system highly resilient to any infection, but extremely brittle once an infection finds an entrance.  A remote code execution in Cisco IOS or the Linux kernel's network stack would be devastating to companies that rely on them exclusively, the homogeneity allows the infiltration to quickly bypass many safeguards and reach very deep.

Partly, this is a response to corporate entities risk aversion, and seeing any infiltration as unacceptable.  In some cases, this is because the business is based around hidden information (trade secrets, proprietary data) that if exposed causes irreversible, possible fatal damage to that entity. In others, it's because of industry inertia and "best practices" which may be best practices for some portion of companies, but not all.  Regardless, the end effect is that we have large heterogeneous chunks of the internet, and our technology stack in general well protected until all of a sudden they aren't.

One solution to this is to do as nature has, and invite extreme variation.  It comes with the same downsides though, such as increases breaches and problems, but with the reduced chance that exposures will affect large swaths of our technological infrastructure to a large degree.  This would be, unfortunately, a fairly selfless act for most organizations (those not large enough to have many internal divisions that could easily adopt their own standards and thus variation).  Corporations are not known for being selfless, so that leaves the rest of us to make that in their best interest, or at least provide more options for doing so.  We need to fight homogeneity where we see it, for the good of all of us.

How does this relate to the x86 components we started with?  They present an unprecedented risk.  As present in vast majority of our server and workstation products, they present one of the the single largest risk to our technological infrastructure we've yet encountered.  While not the most likely of scenarios, infection of a subsystem with unfettered local access that is nearly ubiquitous puts our infrastructure in an untenable position.  We should not open ourselves to massive risk just to appease a few special interests.

 1: http://mail.fsfeurope.org/pipermail/discussion/2016-April/010912.html

 2:  Or at least what appears to be biology's response to a layperson.  I'm sure there are many holes in the coming description.  I welcome corrections to my lack of understanding in this area.

 3: Driven in the sense that it spreads mostly in this manner.  Even many OSS projects ultimately relied on a corporate back-end to see widespread exposure.  E.g. Red Hat, Slackware for initial linux spread, and much free software is bases on that, linking them in that way.  Exceptions do exist, and this is changing more so now that there is a base to build on, but widespread distribution has mostly been due to corporate backing in some manner.


Rolling your own message/job queue in MySQL (Part 3: Message Queue Implementation)

Note: These blog posts are in a stream-of-counciousness style with limited revision so I can rapidly progress without worrying about polishing the post.  If you notice a mistake, something missing, or even just confusing portions, let me know and I'll attempt to revise that portion.

The specification

Okay, in part 2 we created a rough specification for what we need to implement a message queue in mysql.  I'll summarize them here:

  1. A unique id for each message.
  2. A field for holding a unique transaction id (initially null) to prevent multiple dequeuing clients from colliding over the same message.
  3. One or more payload fields.
  4. Queuing a message is a row insertion.
  5. Dequeuing a message is a matter of an UPDATE with a LIMIT setting a unique transaction identifier on entries that do not have one, and then a subsequent SELECT for rows matching that unique transaction identifier.
  6. Accepting a message is a matter of deleting that row from the table.  If we need a history of messages, we will move the row to an archival table.
  7. Rejecting a message if achieved by resetting that message's unique transaction identifier back to null.
That's fairly straight-forward, and quite easy to implement.  For our implementation we'll use MySQL's AUTO_INCREMENT capability for the primary key to get a unique id for each message, and contrary to the example in part 2, we'll use a simple integer for the unique transaction id, as that should be sufficient for our needs.

The implementation

With the specification taken care of, our schema is extremely simple:

CREATE TABLE `queue_test` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `transaction_unique` mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `payload` text,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `transaction_unique` (`transaction_unique`)

Now, it's perfectly valid to write SQL functions for queue and dequeue actions, and the accept and reject actions, but I'm not a fan of moving too much of my model code to the database.

While it does enforce an extra level of consistency on the data, I feel constrained architecturally and feel it won't scale as easily, since the database is generally much harder to scale than front-end servers in my experience.  Truthfully, there's probably a good trade-off point where there's real benefits from reducing round trips to the database by coding small quick routines as SQL functions, and our Dequeue implementation probably falls squarely into this.  I'm not going to implement that here though.

The code

Now, let's work up an implementation to this in an actual programming language.  I'm going to use Perl and DBIx::Class, because that's what I'm comfortable in and I believe it's a fairly compact but readable syntax.  If you have problems with that, feel free to translate into your favorite language.  Actually, please do, as that's the best way to get a feel for this.  For my following examples, please assume they all reside in the same file, even though I'll be presenting them in discrete chunks.

use 5.014; # implies strict
use warnings;
use utf8;

This is a fairly regular preamble in modern Perl.  We want to use newer features from version 5.14 (which implies "use strict;"), turn on warnings, and tell perl to expect possible UTF-8 data within the script (a sane default).

package Queue::Message {
    use base 'DBIx::Class::Core';
    __PACKAGE__->table( 'queue_test' );
    __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw( id transaction_unique payload ));
    __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key( 'id' );
    __PACKAGE__->resultset_class( 'Queue::MessageBroker' );

    # To "accept" a message, we delete that row. This leaves the ORM object alone
    sub message_accept {
        my $self = shift;
        return $self->delete;
    # To "reject" a message, we mark it as no longer part of a transaction
    sub message_reject {
        my $self = shift;
        return $self->update({ transaction_unique => undef })

    # Convenience method to automatically convert the JSON payload
    sub message {
        my $self = shift;
        return decode_json( $self->payload );

    1; # Class returns true

Here we have our Message class, which both defines our metadata for our table specification in DBIx::Class (in a shorthand syntax), and defines our message accept and reject methods, as defined in our specification.  Additionally, it provides a convenience method to decode the JSON we are serializing our message to so it can be easily stored.

package Queue::MessageBroker {
    use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
    use JSON;
        qw(Helper::ResultSet Helper::ResultSet::Shortcut)

    sub message_queue {
        my ($self,$message) = @_;
        return $self->create({ payload => encode_json( $message ) });
    sub message_dequeue {
        my $self        = shift;
        my $wanted_msgs = shift || 1;
        my $uniq        = int(rand(2**24));
        # Mark some messages as part of this transaction
        my $result = $self->order_by('id')
                          ->search({ transaction_unique => undef })
                          ->update({ transaction_unique => $uniq });
        # Return marked messages
        return $self->search({ transaction_unique => $uniq })->all;
    sub message_count { shift->search({ transaction_unique => undef })->count };

    1; # Class returns true

This is the definition of our Broker class, which as a DBIx::Class::ResultSet subclass handles the actual query operations.  Beyond some simple DBIx::Class setup for our inherited methods, plus a few convenience methods (chained order_by and rows methods), our Broker is responsible primarily for actually inserting (queuing), retrieving and deleting (dequeuing) messages, and as such methods to do those operations take up a majority of the implementation. 

package Queue {
    use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
    __PACKAGE__->load_classes( 'Message' );
    1; # Class returns true

Finally, we have our base ORM class.  This comes last because it expects to parse the object schema information from the Queue::Message class we defined above, and needs to know about any specifics we set in the ResultSet (MessageBroker) class.  Normally it can automatically find and load everything by itself from the separate files they are defined it, but since we are using a single file we have to be careful about the order we define classes.

That's it.  That the entire definition of our initial, somewhat naive implementation of a message queue on top of MySQL.  The only thing left to add is some code to drive the implementation and test that it works, so we might as well add that.

package main;
use JSON;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);

# Connect to DB with DBIx::Class schema object
my $schema = Queue->connect(
        'queuetest_user', 'queuetest_pass', { PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
# Get our broker (DBIx::ResultSet for Message class)
my $broker = $schema->resultset('Message');

# Queue 4 messages with a high-resolution timestamp for data
$broker->message_queue({ time => time() }) for 1..4;
my @messages;

say 'Get one message, 4 -> 3';
say $broker->message_count, ' messages available';
@messages = $broker->message_dequeue;
say scalar(@messages) . " received";
printf("message: %d, time: %s\n", $_->id, $_->message->{time}) for @messages;
$_->message_accept for @messages;
print "\n";

say 'Get two messages, but reject them, 3 -> 3';
say $broker->message_count, ' messages available';
@messages = $broker->message_dequeue(2);
say scalar(@messages) . " received";
printf("message: %d, time: %s\n", $_->id, $_->message->{time}) for @messages;
$_->message_reject for @messages;
print "\n";

say 'Get two messages, 3 -> 1';
say $broker->message_count, ' messages available';
@messages = $broker->message_dequeue(2);
say scalar(@messages) . " received";
printf("message: %d, time: %s\n", $_->id, $_->message->{time}) for @messages;
$_->message_accept for @messages;
print "\n";

say 'Try to get two messages when 1 available, 1 -> 0';
say $broker->message_count, ' messages available';
@messages = $broker->message_dequeue(2);
say scalar(@messages) . " received";
printf("message: %d, time: %s\n", $_->id, $_->message->{time}) for @messages;
$_->message_accept for @messages;
print "\n";

Next time we'll look at performance, and see how quickly we can get messages in and out of this system.


Rolling your own message/job queue in MySQL (Part 2: Message Queue Initial Spec)

Forgive me if this is dense and/or has errors, I'm doing this as a sort of stream of consciousness dump with limited revision, not a polished blog post.

The first step to implementing a message queue in SQL is to define a table.  If we want a sane implementation, we're going to have to take a look at what sort of usage we expect and plan our schema accordingly.

Let's revisit the AMQP protocol capabilities to spec this out:

  1. some standard outcomes for transfers, through which receivers of messages can for example accept or reject messages
  2. a mechanism for indicating or requesting one of the two basic distribution patterns, competing- and non-competing- consumers, through the distribution modes move and copy respectively
  3. the ability to create nodes on-demand, e.g. for temporary response queues
  4. the ability to refine the set of message of interest to a receiver through filters
For our initial implementation, let's focus on #1.  The other items are either of limited interest to us initially, or we already get for free (filtering is inherent in SQL).

One of the items I glossed over in the prior article was the performance considerations inherent in the design.  In addition to that, we need to decide whether we want auditing of past messages.  If we don't require a log of all prior messages, then we can just delete them from the table, which is useful because this will keep our table from growing indefinitely.  That's good, because a large table will cause our queries to slow over time, and eventually the system could fall over under it's own historical weight.  Imagine a system that processing 100,000 messages a day, usually with no more than 1,000 active at a time.  By the end of the first day, every scan of the table for active messages will have to scan 99,000 past entries (in a naive worst case example) to see the active entries.  This can be made much better with good indices, but in the end you are still indexing entries you don't care about, or at least don't care about for normal operation.

A better solution is for us to archive past entries to a separate table if we require auditing entries.  This allows us the ability to use past messages for statistical queries, while not impacting the active message queue table. This allows us to make the first rule for how our schema will act:
  • For each queue that requires history, there will be a secondary table that contains archived messages that have been accepted by a client.  Upon acceptance of a message, the message will be inserted into the corresponding archive queue table and deleted from the main queue table.
Now that we've dealt with that, we can look into the actual mechanisms used to submit and receive messages.  Submission is easy enough, to submit a message we insert a now into the queue table.  This row should have a unique id and a payload.

The message itself has no state that the receiver needs to be aware of, if it is available, it can be processed.  Unfortunately SQL is not inherently suited for parceling out a single row to an individual client while preventing access by other clients.  SQL by itself does not support a method to both retrieve and update a row atomically.  This means multiple clients could conceivably SELECT the same data before updating/deleting it to signal acceptance by that client.  To achieve this we'll have to combine a few other SQL features together to simulate an atomic UPDATE and SELECT action.  The core idea of this is that we use another field to denote the retrieval status of a message.  Using this field, we can attempt to update a number of rows that are not already in the process of being handed off to a client to set them to a unique state, and then select the rows that match that state.  It looks something like this:

# Assume client_unique is empty on newly inserted messages
UPDATE queue_table
   SET transaction_unique=@UUID
 WHERE transaction_unique IS NULL

SELECT id, payload
  FROM queue_table
 WHERE transaction_unique=@UUID

We now have a set of rows that we have designated for a single client, and we designated them in an atomic way so we don't have to worry about another client getting the same rows.  This also allows us to achieve capability #1 of the AMQP protocol, which is to allow accepting or rejecting messages at the client level.  All we have to do to accept the message is to delete it and optionally recreate it in the archive table.  No other client will be able to access it as long as they use the same access mechanism we've defined above.  to reject a message, we just set the transaction_unique back to null, and other clients will be able to pick it up.

At this point you may have noticed a problem with this algorithm.  What happens if the client crashes at some point after designating some messages as received but before accepting or rejecting them all?  To account for this we probably need a reaper of some sort that looks for and resets messages that have been in the received but not accepted state longer than a timeout period.  In our initial, naive implementation, we'll do this on client shutdown, and examine alternate solutions when we look for ways to enhance performance later.  Unfortunately, to track time since a message was received, we then need to add a time field to each row, but at least it will also track closely the accepted date of the message (we would need to add yet another time field if we want to track the creation date, which may be worth doing).

At this point we've outlined how to submit messages (plain insert), receive messages (update to unique identifier with a limit, and select for that identifier), and archive messages if we require that.  Next, we can attempt to implement this, and find out where our assumptions and ideas fall apart.  I'll be doing that using Perl, and I don't imagine anyone with programming experience will have trouble following along, but I'll try to explain any areas I think may be confusing explicitly or with comments in the code, whichever seems more appropriate.

Rolling your own message/job queue in MySQL (Part 1)

Let's do an experiment.  Let's theorize on what we need to implement a job queue in MySQL.  I'll use this as a learning experience to discover more about message and job queue systems.  But first, an explanation as to why we're doing this in MySQL and not using some other, optimized software:
  • We can tightly couple our jobs to our data, allowing for better statistics
  • We can use all the existing tools we have at our disposal for SQL integration (ORMs, etc.)
  • We can use the raw flexibility of SQL itself
  • It will allow me to prototype these systems quickly without having to worry about the underlying data structure (beyond SQL schema) and transfer protocol (although we will need to design our API).
At the same time, there's some distinct disadvantages.  Some of which are:
  • Without special care, future usage and data growth may impair function.  Special care needs to be paid to future use.
  • The storage medium is not optimized as a queue, so it will never be quite as fast as a dedicated solution.
  • Too much explicit linking to data in the specification may hamper general purpose use, while too little will negate the benefits of using the same system as the data.
It's a fine line between taking too much advantage of the data in the system, and not enough.  It probably changes as time progresses as well, making it even harder.  I think the best way to deal with this particular complexity is to plan for one table per job type or category.  This allows you to link to the underlying data for that job appropriately without imposing on other job types.  As a fallback, a general queue with an indexed type field and arbitrary payload (serialized JSON, perhaps) could stand in for general jobs/messages until that type graduated to needing it's own table through needed data coupling.

With these requirements in place, we can now address the implementation of a general purpose job/message queue in a MySQL.  To help us make a general purpose implementation that isn't unintentionally influenced too much by our own data and needs (let's assume we can't perfectly model all our future needs), take note of some of the features of leading message and job queue software.

The AMQP protocol section on messaging capabilities has a few items of interest:
  1. some standard outcomes for transfers, through which receivers of messages can for example accept or reject messages
  2. a mechanism for indicating or requesting one of the two basic distribution patterns, competing- and non-competing- consumers, through the distribution modes move and copy respectively
  3. the ability to create nodes on-demand, e.g. for temporary response queues
  4. the ability to refine the set of message of interest to a receiver through filters
All of these seem like sane capabilities we would want to have.  The fourth item is already inherently available by our choice of SQL, so that's a bonus!  Now let's look at a job queue implementation, and see what it throws into the mix.  For this, let's look at Gearman.  It's a relatively popular job queue implementation, so by looking at a client implementation we should get a good idea what they view as requirements to implement a good job queue system.  For this I'm going to look at Perl's Gearman::Task.  I'll summarize the methods it supplies and their uses, from the perldoc page:
  • uniq - If this job exists in the queue, merge this request with that one, and notify both clients when finished
  • on_status - Call specified code when job changes status
  • on_{complete,retry,fail} - Call the specified code when the specific action/status reached
  • retry_count - Allow this many failures before giving up on job
  • timeout - set status to failed if specified time has elapsed without a success or fail status already
From this it becomes somewhat obvious that while there are similarities between message queues and job queues, they have different responsibilities.  Message queues concern themselves with correct delivery of messages to one or more consumers, with performance being a major constraint.  Additionally, message queues appear to be mainly unidirectional.  You put a message in the queue, and it's consumed, but the queue does not concern itself with the content of the message or eventual status.  Job queues concern themselves more with the eventual state of the message, or job.  They track what should happen on success or failure, and provide mechanisms to track that (asynchronously) at the submission level.  In fact, a lot of job queues are implemented on top off message queues, as some of the implicit requirements are similar enough that they can be reused or built upon easily.

So, what have we learned so far?  We've learned some of the core differences between message queues and job queues, and that their individual uses are different enough one solution encompassing both will probably serve neither need well.

So, where does that leave us?  Well, I think we need to build a message queue, which is the simpler of the two, and then we can look at a job queue.  With a little luck, we'll be able to take advantage of the medium to not just build a job queue on top of a message queue, but alter some of our behavior subtly to achieve the same result.  I can imagine a post for each initial implementation, plus some testing against existing systems at the end, so it looks like we may be in for at least four parts.

I need a dedicated message queue... or do I?

I'm starting the next step of a project at work, and that's presented me with a problem.  I need a job queue.  That in itself is not too problematic, but unfortunately I've been paralyzed by indecision over the last few days.  I've been reading about these new-fangled message queues for a while now, so in an effort to determine the best technology for the task I started surveying the information I could find about message queues and how they apply to my problem.  Unfortunately, there's a little voice in the back of my head saying "This isn't hard, just make a table and write some helpers for your ORM, you've done this before...", and I'm having trouble faulting that logic.

The problem is, while I really want to use the best technology for the task here, as the only technology based employee at a small (< 10 employees) company, I don't really have the time to spend days or weeks testing out implementations.  I need to bring my own experience (and where that fails the wisdom of the crowd) to bear.  As such, I'm going to try to present this problem in a general way, so it's useful to a wider audience, and in exchange hopefully I'll get some useful information back in comments and discussion.

With that out of the way let's start with a definition of my needs.  This is a small company, but they are moving heavily into analysis of a growing dataset to help make better decisions, streamline employee tasks and reduce labor.  As such, there's a need for a general job queue that can:

  • Track jobs that have no assigned employee
  • Allow a job to be assigned/unassigned to/from an employee
  • Allow an employee to mark a job as finished, or delay until a later date
  • Jobs must be able to be shifted to other states such as pending review
  • For some subset of jobs that are currently performed by an employee, jobs will eventually be mostly, and then fully performed automatically

That's a fairly open set of requirements.  With those, I think I have my pick of any number of message queue back-ends (brokers) with fewer, but still numerous options for a specialized job queue on top.  Then again, the draw of a RDBMS/SQL solution is strong here.  I can see lots of real tangible benefits to using a native SQL solution, but at the same time, I can see the benefits (immediate and future) of dedicated queue software.  So far my thought process has broken down like so for the benefits of staying within the RDBMS and making my own system:

  • Tighter coupling with data - better/easier statistical querying
  • Familiar - less likely to find surprising behavior
  • Known performance & implementation (I already know how I would implement this)
  • Reliability and persistence are well known, and non-issues
  • Keeps system complexity down by not introducing other failure points

In looking into this, came across a good post on implementing queues in SQL, https://blog.engineyard.com/2011/5-subtle-ways-youre-using-mysql-as-a-queue-and-why-itll-bite-you.  That all rings true, but other than some interesting ideas on how to hack up a performant polling solution, it's not really anything I didn't already know.  This isn't the first time I've ended up with a queue in in an RDBMS, I know a lot (but I doubt all!) of the pitfalls to avoid.  In truth, I think if I had a bit more support from the database in certain areas, such as polling/notify support or built in key-value stores, I wouldn't be as conflicted.  Alas, I'm using MySQL (Percona's variant), and while I generally like it, these are lacking areas.  Where this gets interesting is when I start comparing against the inherent and implicit strengths of implementing a queue on top of a RDBMS against the strengths of using a dedicated queuing system:

  • Optimized for queue performance
  • Subscription/notify system (not all, but this is useful to me)
  • Less likely to accidentally code data dependency in queue implementation, complicating future use
  • More opportunity to use fast queues as a general purpose structure for IPC and scalability
  • Ability to use and learn from a new technology

To be fair, I think the last point for an RDBMS implementation and the last two points for a dedicated queue solution don't really apply in this case.  I can see a use for a dedicated queue in the future in other parts of the system, so I imagine I'll have one sooner or later anyways, but I do think they are useful points in general, especially since I think they outline my current problem fairly well.  What trade-off do I take, something better suited to the data it's representing and the usages cases it needs, or something that keeps complexity low and allows easier data correlation?

I think what I need here is more information from people that have chosen one route or the other, and advantages and disadvantages they think that brought.  There may be techniques that mitigate some of the downsides I perceive for either solution that I'm unaware of.

Update: I decided to implement in MySQL as an experiment to learn the needs and requirements of message queue's intimately.  You can see the first part here.


Maintainability, Security vs Perfectly Deployed

I was part of an interesting conversation today. Specifically, a client for the day job wanted some feedback on their proposed push to the cloud. Their plan was architected by their main developer, but the client wanted our input since we manage their existing set of servers (an eclectic set of differently configured and versioned FreeBSD boxes and a CentOS 5 web server that we had migrated their main web presence (and store) to a few years back).

The developer's server layout was simple enough, and should cause no problems; Using goGrid's cloud offering, a set of web servers and app servers behind the included F5 load balancer (comes with the cloud), with a MySQL cluster on the back-end. Now, I'm sure it's going to start as just a single server of each type, if even that, but that's a fairly vanilla scalable cloud architecture, no surprises there. The problem is, of course, in the details. It even starts innocuous enough, the developer wants to run Debian on the systems.

Now, I don't have anything against Debian. It's a fine distribution, one of the big few, in fact. The suggestion I had though, was to use a corporate backed distribution in lieu of Debian. My reasoning goes like so; having market pressure to fix problems is a wonderful incentive to get important things fixed FAST. In this respect, for an enterprise deployment, I view Ubuntu (LTS) as a more fitting if a debian-like distribution is desired. When running a business, it's important to know that the company responsible for your server software is tied financially to providing the support you need.

That's simple enough, and hardly a point to get caught up on for anyone not trying to take a hardline stance on software freedom (a point which would be hard to defend for a company that develops and sells software as the client does, and that wasn't their intention). The real problem comes next. The developer wants to install a minimal debian root and manually compile all software needed into /srv along with the content. His reasons are simple, but in my opinion, very, very wrong.

I'll outline them here, and explain in detail why from an administration and maintenance standpoint, these are the wrong choices.

  • He wants the extra performance compiling a lean Apache with only required modules compiled in directly allows

  • He doesn't want to use a package manager, as it makes everything too hard to deal with. He would prefer a few hand written shell scripts to do building.

  • He wants more control over security updates, to only apply and reload services when the security problem affects them

I'm not going to spend much time addressing the specific incident that spurred this. Based on the conversation, I think this developer just needs some education as to what features are available. I'm much more interested in addressing the idea as a whole that a customized environment is much better than using what you get from the enterprise distributions. As such, I want to focus on addressing the generalities of these statements, and why they either don't hold true, or need to be weighed in context of both their positive and negative consequences.

Note: This is all aimed at small to medium businesses, where a large set of system administrators on staff is not a requirement nor desired. At a certain scale (or in certain markets), it DOES make sense to start doing your own system engineering to get a competitive edge. If you are one of those companies, this doesn't apply to you. If you don't know if you are one of those companies, then you either aren't one, or you aren't in a position to care

Let's start by addressing the idea that compiling a custom version of apache with components and features excluded will result in extra performance. First, this is true. My experience, common sense, and the developers themselves state there are compilation options that will result in a faster program. My point is that it's generally not worth it. If you are building a system and you expect load to increase, scale out, don't scale up. That is, design the system so extra nodes can be easily added, don't overly optimize each node yet. All optimization, especially early optimization, limits your future choices (or at a minimum makes certain choices harder than they normally would) in some respect, while enhancing the feasibility of others. This isn't conducive for the best solutions later.

The next item is about package management. The claim is that it makes everything too hard to deal with (the actual words used included "nightmare"). I can only attribute this towards lack of experience with package management systems. The RPM format, for instance, is quite flexible and allows for everything from compiled binaries, scripts, documentation or even an empty packages that just act as a node to pull in all the required packages for a complete subsystem of functionality. In an RPM spec file, you specify the requirements, the build process (how to unpackage, patch, build and deploy), and pre or post-install procedures, and a list of all installed files and their locations and types. This last bit is really helpful, as it lets the package manager know what files are considered configuration files, and how to treat them (backup existing and overwrite, place new file next to existing with new extension, etc). With this you get complete package file listings, file integrity and permission checks, easy installation and removal, dependency tracking, and a complete separation of your runtime environment from your content in a manageable manner.

Finally, there is apparently a desire by the developer to manage all security updates manually, so security updates don't negatively impact the production environment. This shows the biggest ignorance of what an enterprise distribution really provides, which is reliability. There's a few things to address where, so I'll spread it out into a few areas; security management, testing, and finally division of roles.

Something it seems many people don't understand is that enterprise distributions back-port patches to the versions of programs they shipped with so they don't need to change their environment. That is, if RHEL5 shipped with Apache 2.0.52, chances are it will stay version 2.0.52. Specifically, Red Hat will handle any security problems, and back-port any fixes from the version they were implemented in to the version they shipped. This allows for a stable environment, where all you have to worry about is that bugs and security fixes are dealt with, but all other functionality stays the same. API changes in newer versions? Removed features? New bugs? Not your problem. Note: In RHEL systems, some packages may be considered for new versions on point releases, generally every six months. You can rely on they updates to not reduce functionality, and to be compatible with the prior version in all aspects you may rely on. Additionally, instead of upgrading the version, they may choose to back-port an entire feature into the older version. These changes all go through extensive QA processes, and are deployed to thousands of systems, which happens to be the next point. In the end, what this really means is that you get security updates without having to worry unduly about whether they will cause a problem in your environment.

Testing is important. By rolling your own environment, you are saying that you believe you can integrate all the components, and test them sufficiently that you feel confident that the environment should perform as needed without problem. Most developers get this part right, as they know their core needs better than anyone else. The problem is on all the little changes. You need to re-certify this environment after any change. How many developers take the time to do this? It's drudge work, it's hard to find all the edge cases (much lest test them), and most of the time, it just works. Or appears to, at least. One of the single biggest advantages to using a pre-packaged binary with wide distribution is that any problems are likely to have been encountered before you, and they might have been documented and fixed already as well. You are essentially leveraging the QA, testing and pre-existing deployments of both the ditributer (such as Red Har or Ubuntu), and the thousands of companies that rely on them.

Finally, there's the division of roles. Should a developer really be responsible for tracking down, examining, applying and testing security updates? These should be fire-and-forget procedures that cause no worry, and nothing but a slight blip on the meters are services are restarted as needed. A developer should be building new products or supporting old products, not performing the role of a sys-admin because they decided they needed a little bit more control. That just means the company isn't getting their money's worth for the developer, as that's all wasted time.

In the end, this all boils down to a trade-off in terms of functionality for other features, such as ease of maintenance and security. In most cases, you don't want to skimp on the maintainability, and especially not the security. Those can be real liabilities for a company later. In most cases, it's much easier to become a little bit less flexible but much more stable and secure. And also, who's to say there's not a middle ground here. Some packages may very well be better running with cutting edge versions than are manually compiled, but that doesn't necessarily mean that EVERYTHING must be.


PHP Saddens me.

It has for a long time. Unfortunately, I'm often forced to work with it. Often, in trying to explain my sadness (which often alternates to anger), I reach for the same few examples of PHP's brain-dead design. PHP Sadness does a good job of explaining my pain. I have personally griped about at least half the things on their list.

If you are primarily a PHP coder, visit the site for a good indication of why your life is harder than it need be. If you are a sometimes PHP coder that specializes or prefers another language, visit for more reasons to shun PHP, and hope your language doesn't share more than a smattering of these problems. If you never program PHP, visit for the smug satisfaction of a landmine evaded.